How to: Boost Social Media Engagement
Shaya Shree Pabari
November 1, 2021

We always see posts on Instagram from frustrated business owners who blame the algorithm for their posts not being seen. However, have you thought of making the most of Instagram and applying all the tips and tricks for getting your posts seen? If not try these out…

  1. Focus on creating amazing content
    This isn’t groundbreaking advice, but it’s true. If you own a small business, you need to be posting content that appeals to your ideal audience. Use insights to find out which posts are getting the most engagement, and share more of that!
  2. Start conversations with others
    Don’t post and ghost! Engaging with your audience, followers and other accounts will help to dramatically boost your reach. Make sure that you spend at leas 20-30 minutes every day engaging with other users.
  3. Use relevant hashtags
    Use hashtags that are relevant to your business and will put your products in front of your ideal customers. It’s best to not use hashtags which will have millions of posts, as yours will just get lost amongst them. Sticking to hashtags that have 5-6 digits work best. USE ALL 30 HASHTAGS! Create a hashtag bank of core hashtags.
  4. Use Instagram features
    Instagram is so much more than a photo sharing platform. Make use of their features, such as Stories and Reels. Use stickers, polls and questions in stories to encourage your audience to engage. Reels are HOT STUFF right now, and Instagram is really pushing for them to be seen, so make sure you get on it!
  5. Be consistent
    Putting a post up once every 4 days (and then breaking rule no. 2) and then expecting your posts to be seen WILL NOT WORK. I see a lot of posts blaming the algorithm, but if you aren’t showing up consistently on Instagram, then it’s time to reevaluate your strategy. Use a scheduling platform (our favourite is Later)  to schedule your posts in advance.
  6. Set up an Instagram shop
    If you are a product based small business, make sure you are using the shop feature! It helps your audience find your products easily, they can go straight to the product page and make a purchase. This also allows you to tag products in your posts, so you can direct followers straight to the item.