This summer our TVs have welcomed back the popular ITV reality show ‘Love Island’ and while some may roll their eyes and call it rubbish TV (not us!), its popularity is undeniably a huge marketing success. Here are some of the marketing lessons we’ve taken from it:
Firstly, Love Island. has been able to create their own unique voice through catchphrases said by the narrator and contestants of the show. Catchphrases like “that’s muggy” and “do bits” made their way from Love Island, to social media, to colloquial conversation. Although not everyone will adopt the language, these phrases have helped branding. When someone sees or hears one of these catchphrases they will associate them with Love Island, maintaining conversation about the show.
Additionally having this unique voice allows for a level of informality by providing a human voice. This can benefit brands by making content more engaging and approachable. Therefore having your own voice and showing off your personality can make your business more appealing to consumers.
The next lesson is about the relationships Love Island have been able to build with other brands through partnerships and sponsorships. Love Island’s main partnerships this year are eBay, Boots and O2. Although Love Island is capable to partner with big companies due to their large business scale, partnerships can still be beneficial to smaller businesses. Partnerships help both you and your partner by attracting a wider audience and increasing your brand awareness.
Finally Love Island have mastered a multi-channel approach. Although it is a TV show, their audience also interacts with the show through tweeting about it, sharing memes, making TikToks with Love Island sounds, and watching behind the scenes content on Love Island’s social media pages. Therefore, it is important to share your content across different platforms. In addition, creating content that is relevant to current trends, news, and events will make your content more engaging and more likely to be shared. This will result in your content reaching a bigger audience.